Friday, August 31, 2012

Celebrating the Ordinary -- Day 6

Today's ordinary slice of life is one I've often taken for granted: a small farm stand not far from where I live.

It's a real treat to have freshly grown produce. I stop at this farm stand once a week to buy all wonderful yummy goodies -- until the farm stand  closes in late fall.

The sight of apples reminds me that fall is soon upon us in the US. And it fills me with anticipation for my favorite apple available a bit later in the fall: the Honey Crisp.


  1. Yummy - these celebrating the ordinary posts are fantastic, and those apples look delish!


    1. Thank you, Catherine! I've enjoyed this challenge. There's nothing like a fresh apple!

  2. Those apples make my mouth water, Beth! I love the season when this luscious fruit is ripe and ready to be bitten into. I don't know what I'd do without farmer's markets and produce stands. Thanks for the barrel of memories. xox

    1. Jan, aren't they mouth-watering? Like you, I adore farmer's markets and such. I can't wait until the Honey Crisp arrives!

  3. I usually spend the end of the summer in Michigan (Old Mission). Can't make it out there this year, & am SO missing all the wonderful farm stands! Such a treat to pull over & pick up some perfectly ripe fruit. You're making my mouth water.

    1. Julie,

      There is nothing like wonderful, ripe fruit. I love eating fruits and veggies, and when they come from a farmstand, it's a bonus!

  4. Just lovely..and I really love the way the sunshine is shining on these delicious apples too :-)

  5. Beth, The honey crisp apple is my absolute favorite apple to eat too! I'm waiting for its arrival! Thanks for reminding me about another thing I love about fall!

    1. Wow, that's great that you are a Honey Crisp fan, too!! They are originally, I believe, from your original home state of Minnesota. Such a terrific apple!
